Apart from the fact that I am rather behind in blogging we were woken in the middle of the night by the sound of klunking, tapping whatever. It has taken three days to find the cause. It was coming from both our clock radios. Was it the electric fence or were the clocks dying. No, worse. One of the power point fuses was shorting and sparks could be seen. Not nice. Lucky we had extra safety switches which solved the problem, but the electrician found the damage was behind the board as well. All fixed!!
The whole issue also was not good for the computer, in that Windows would not open! Despair! Off to the computer doctor who found one corrupted file and now back on track.
I have just acquired 17 kilos of white Corriedale Fleece, so have washed and dyed a kilo and washed another kilo and a half already. So I hope to have a lot of fun with colours, and blending of colours.
Nagambie Market last Saturday was freezing but I did OK. This weekend I will be at the Echuca Steam Rally with the Echuca Wool & Craft group on the Saturday, and the Girgarre Market on the Sunday.
On the farm note we are waiting for new calves to arrive . We have 14 cows, but are unsure how many will calve as the bull had injured his leg and was sold off. We will look into getting another bull later this year. This year after shearing the rams will join with the ewes when further paddocks are prepared for them.