Monday, July 4, 2011

Bendigo Sheep & Wool Show.. nearly upon us, where all those addicted to woolly things can get there fibre fix. Lots of stalls with such a variety of fibre and garments to choose. The beauty is that we are all different in our way od doing things. I have coloured sheep so am trying to do natural yarns, as well as knit beanies from my wool stash. I have been relearning the knitting machines, do a little felting, and use a Knitter's loom for scarves. I think I need 36 hour days!!!
This I am especially looking forward to it, as I am sharing a stall (with all my goodies) in my own right, and as a member of the North East Yarns.
A bit of a challenge to get a lot of work done for the 3 days, as I do a market each week. I will still keep plodding away and hopefully have lots of new stuff for the show.
So will have to post a few piccies soon.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the Bendigo Sheep and Wool. Hope to be there on Friday so will come and say hi.
    Hard work getting ready but you will have a great time when you get there.
